How to add, subtract days, months, years, hours from Date and Time in Java

Adding days, hours, month or years to dates is a common task in Java. java.util.Calendar can be used to perform Date and Time arithmetic in Java. Calendar class not only provides date manipulation but it also support time manipulation i.e. you can add, subtract hours, minutes and seconds from current time. Calendar class automatically handles date transition or month transition for example if you ask date after 30 days it will return you date based on whether current month is 30 or 31 days long. Same is true in case of adding and subtracting years, Calendar takes care whether current or following year is a leap year or not. For example 2012 is a leap year and it has February with 29 days, if you ask Calendar day before 365 it will return 24th July (assuming current date 23rd July) which shows it take care of leap year. By the way there are couple of more date and time related articles e.g. How to find current date and time in Java and How to convert Date to String in Java. If you haven’t read them already, It’s worth checking to know more about Date and Time in Java.
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