Shopping Cart Programming Problems assignment for File Read or Write IO

Shopping Cart Programming Problems  assignment for File Read or Write IO VB C C++ Java 
Problem :  Shopping Cart

The input to the problem is a text file and it is called INVENTORY.TXT. There are ten entries in the file.
The contents of the file are as follows.

“Item”, “Quantity”, “Rate”  e.g., “Fan”, “11”, “1150”
You need to provide a user interface where the information of all Inventories is displayed with quantity and rate from the file.
As usual the record is personal and you need to provide the required security. (Login Window).If the user enters wrong login credentials an message box of error should appear in a form indicating of wrong username and password.
All you have to do is to make the following interface available to him.

You can hard code the login credentials
Username: lums
Password: lums

Required Formulas:
Individual Inventories = Quantity x Rate
Total = sum of individual inventories

Major Tasks:
  1. Design
  2. Login & Password.
  3. Read Data from file.
  4. Item Name in Capital Letter
  5. Rate in One Decimal Format
  6. Total