Car Rental company charges Problem using IF ELSE pseudo code & algorithm

The Car Rental company charges Rs. 0.25/mile if the total mileage does not exceed 100. If the total mileage is over 100, the company charges Rs.0.25/mile for the first 100 miles, then it charges Rs.0.15/mile for any additional mileage over 100.
You are to develop the pseudo code and write the Features of above problem and represent the information on a flow chart that if the clerk enters the number of miles, the program would display the total price owed.
Read Miles
IF    Miles <= 100 THEN 
    PriceLessThan100 = Miles * 0.25
    PriceMoreThan100 = 0
   PriceLessThan100 = 100 * 0.25
   PriceMoreThan100 = (Miles - 100) * 0.15
    TotalPrice = PriceLessThan100 + PriceMoreThan100;
Display TotalPrice