Psychology Model Test Paper
Psychology Practice Q. Paper
1. Quantities which can take any numerical value within a certain range are called
(a) Variables
(b) Discrete variable
(c) Continuous variables
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
2. If a curve can be folded along a vertical line so that the two halves of it coincide, it is called a
(a) Proper curve
(b) Symmetrical curve
(c) Skew curve
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
3. The _____though difficult to calculate, is the best measure of dispersion since it takes into consideration the whole data and the deviations are taken from the arithmetic mean.
(a) Quartile deviation
(b) Standard deviation
(c) Mean deviation
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
4. ______ is the value which occurs most frequently in a set of observations and around which the other items of the set cluster densely
(a) Mean
(b) Mode
(c) Median
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
5. The adrenal glands produce hormones that prepare the body
(a) To respond to emergencies and cope with stress
(b) For sexual maturation and reproductive behaviour
(c) To metabolize glucose and expend energy
(d) For digesting and assimilating food
Ans. (a)
6. For a _______ distribution, mean, median and mode coincide.
(a) Symmetrical
(b) Asymmetrical
(c) Ungrouped
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
7. _______ mean may not be represented in the actual data and it gives greater importance to bigger items of a given series
(a) Harmonic
(b) Arithmetic
(c) Geometric
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
8. The middle ear directs sound waves to the inner ear. Thus, the middle ear acts as a
(a) Transformer
(b) Transmitter
(c) Translator
(d) Regulator
Ans. (b)
9.______ is the difference between the extreme values of the variate.
(a) Dispersion
(b) Quartile deviation
(c) Range
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
10. One method of deactivation in neurotransmitter is by catalysts, called
which trigger chemical reactions that break up the neurotransmitter molecules
(a) Enzymes
(b) Reuptake
(c) Excitation
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
11. In_______ the subject carefully examines and reports his/her own thoughts, feelings etc.
(a) Participant observation
(b) Naturalistic observation
(c) Introspection
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
12. What is closely related to the interview which is useful in gathering information quickly from a large number of people?
(a) Questionnaire
(b) Interview
(c) Survey method
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
13. A is a set of written questions that can be answered by putting a check mark in the appropriate place
(a) Balance -sheet
(b) Survey report
(c) Questionnaire
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
14. Some of the nuclei of the thalamus; hypothalamus and cerebrum are interconnected to form a kind of ring or border around the lower portio4 of the fore brain which is known as the
(a) Sensory areas
(b) Brain stem
(c) Limbic system
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
15. In order to have proper understanding of a/an______ psychologists try to study both overt and covert aspects of that behaviour.
(a) Particular behaviour
(b) Experimental method
(c) Mental process
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
16. Which one of the following psychologists suggested that only observable behaviors should be studied?
(a) Watson
(b) Galton
(c) Titchner
(d) Freud
Ans. (d)
17. An overt response that can be observed directly without the aid of instrumentation is known as
(a) Explicit behaviour
(b) Explicit response
(c) Implicit response
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
18. The difficulty in recognizing melodies or problems in distinguishing non-language sounds from one another, may result from damage to the
(a) Parietal lobe association area
(b) Frontal lobe association area
(c) Temporal lobe association area
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
19. The data which do not give any useful information rather confuse our mind are called
(a) Raw data
(b) Ungrouped data
(c) Either (a) or (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
20. In most people, the seems to be specialized for the recognition and memory of visual, auditory, tactile and spatial patterns of stimulation
(a) Right hemisphere
(b) Left hemisphere
(c) Frontal lobe
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
21. “Averages are statistical constants which enable us to comprehend in a single effort the significance of the whole”, was said by
(a) Professor Bowley
(b) William James
(c) E. R. Hilgard
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
22. The brain is said to be the analytical, logical, mathematical hemisphere, concerned with cause-and-effect scientific thinking
(a) Right
(b) Central
(c) Left
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
23. When the lower half before the median is divided into two equal parts, the value of the dividing variety is called
(a) Lower quartile
(b) Decile
(c) Upper quartile
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
24. As compared to animals, a human being is much more capable of higher mental processes because of the greater
(a) Size of the cerebrum
(b) Size of the central nervous system
(c) Size of the cerebellum
(d) Capacity of the hypothalamus
Ans. (a)
25. Physiological activity in the cerebrum is known as
(a) Cerebral dominance
(b) Cerebral peduncle
(c) Cerebration
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)