Indian History Paper IAS, UPSC Pre. Test

Indian History Paper IAS, UPSC Pre. Test

History MCQ Paper

1. The term Chora rajju used in some sources means—

(A) An unit of land measurement

(B) A class of police officials

(C) A kind of tax

(D) Rope for thieve

Ans. (B)

2. Where is the Atala Devi Masjid situated?

(A) Lahore

(B) Padua

(C) Jaunpur

(D) Delhi

Ans. (C)

3. In Ancient and early medieval India the uncultivated and untaxed land was called —

(A) Sita

(B) Kharvataka

(C) Khilakshetra

(b) Sitadhyaksha

Ans. (C)

4. During the period of the Cholas and their successor in South India the association of peasants was known as—

(A) Alumganam

(B) Nanadesi

(C) Cittirameli

(D) Ainnurruvar

Ans. (C)

5. The Valangai (Right hand) and Idangai (left hand) division of South Indian society is first noticed in the —

(A) Sangarn period

(B) Pahallavas period

(C) Chola period

(D) Nayaka period

Ans. (B)

6. Kosalainadu conquerred by Rajendra Chola was located on the banks of the —

(A) Godavari

(B) Sarayu

(C) Mahanadi

(D) Tapti

Ans. (C)

7. Under whose patronage was the Kailash temple of Ellora constructed —

(A) The Chalukyas

(B) The Rashtrakutas

(C) The Pahallava

(D) The Cholas

Ans. (B)

8. In early medieval south Indian polity the word Udankuttam meant —

(A) A group of small villages in the Chola kingdom

(B) A body of officers under the Cholas

(C) A tax levied in the Hoysala kingdom

(D) The navy maintained by the Cholas

Ans. (B)

9. The Pala king Devapala claims to have defeated a Dravida king who is usually identified with —

(A) Dantidurga

(B) Amoghavarsha

(C) Dhruva

(D) Krishana II

Ans. (B)

10. What was the specific motive of Mahmud Ghaznavi’s attack on India?

(A) Political

(B) Social

(C) Economic

(D) Religious

Ans. (D)

11. Mahakshapatalika was on official in change of —

(A) Chariots

(B) Navy

(C) Acconuts

(D) Infantry

Ans. (C)

12.. Who was the ruler who was elected to the throne according to the Rajatarangini?

(A) Gopala

(B) Yasakara

(C) Nandivarman

(D) Karikalan

Ans. (B)

13. One of the notable early writers of Hindi was —

(A) Chandabardai

(B) Amir Khusrau

(C) Namadeva

(D) Nanak

Ans. (A)

14. According to Brihaspati the grads of artisans were —

(A) Two

(B) Four

(C) Six

(D) Eight

Ans. (C)

15. The unusally excessive proliferation of castes in the early medieval period was mostly due to —

(A) Increasing varnasamskara

(B) Increasing greater absorption of tribes as castes

(C) Occupational groups turning into castes

(D) Religious sects being converted into castes

Ans. (A)

16. After the disappearance of the Chalukyas at the end of the twelveth century and the Cholas at the beginning of the thirteenth,

the four kingdoms that dominated the political history of southern India were the —

(A) Pandya, Hoysala, Kakatiya and the Yadava

(B) Rashtrakuta, Kadamba, Eastern Ganga and the Bana

(C) Western Ganga, Pandya, Vishnukundin and Hoysala

(D) Chera, Mahameghvahana, Salankayana and the Vijayanagara

Ans. (A)

17. ‘Bijak’ was written by —

(A) Dadu

(B) Guru Nanak

(C) Chaitanya

(D) Kabir

Ans. (D)

18. The Chalukya capital was shifted from Manyakheta to Kalyani by —

(A) Somesvara I Ahavamalla

(B) Vikramaditya VI

(C) Perma Jagadekanalla II

(D) Tailappa III

Ans. (A)

19. Before the Ghorian conquest Muslim rulers were found in —

(A) Oudh

(B) Katehar

(C) Sind

(D) Delhi

Ans. (C)

20. What is the correct chronological order in which the following Chola kings ruled?

1. Rajaraja III

2. Rajendra III

3. Rajadhiraja II

4. Vikrama Chola

Choose the correct answer using the codes given below —

(A) 4, 3, 2, 1

(B) 3, 4, 2, 1

(C) 3, 4, 1, 2

(D) 4, 3, 1, 2

Ans. (D)

21. The chief ideas of worship during the Rajput age were —

(A) Rama and Krishna

(B) Vishnu and Siva

(C) Brahma and Sun

(D) Brahma and Ganesha

Ans. (B)

22. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists—

List-I List-II

(Deccan State) (Founder)

(a) Bidar 1. Yusuf Adil Shah

(b) Ahmadnagar 2. Qutub Shah

(c) Bijapur 3. Amir Ali Barid

(d) Golcunda 4. Malik Ahmad


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 4 3 2 1

(C) 3 2 1 4

(D) 3 4 1 2

Ans. (D)

23. Which one of the following is not true of the Rajputas?

(A) Their rise was an important social phenomenon of the early Medieval period

(B) They comprised the ruling and warrior chiefs

(C) They were a landed aristocrasy

(D) They Medas were denied entry to their ranks

Ans. (D)

24. The contemporary historians, Ziyauddin Barni and Shams-e-Siraz affif gave the same title to one of their texts. The text was —

(A) Tarikh-e-Firoj Shahi

(B) Fatwa-e-Jahandari

(C) Fatubat-e-Firozshahi

(D) Sirat-e-Firozshahi

Ans. (A)

25. Which one of the following communities of peasants revolted against the Pala rulers of Bengal?

(A) Jats

(B) Gujaras

(C) Kaivartas

(D) Dams

Ans. (A)
