Indian History IAS Online Practice Paper

Indian History IAS Online Practice Paper

History UPSC Question Paper

1. Svayamvara was a special form of —

(A) Gandharva marriage

(B) Paisach marriage

(C) Rakshasa marriage

(D) Brahma marriage

Ans. (A)

2. The novelty which was added to Bhakti movement by Chaitanya was —

(A) Idol worship

(B) Recitation of prayer to God

(C) Acceptance of both men and women as devotees

(D) Kirtan

Ans. (D)

3. The Chola inscriptions are found in the following language

1. Sanskrit

2. Telugu

3. Tamil

4. Kannada

Their correct sequence in terms of the extent to which they were used (most frequent first, last frequent last) is —

(A) 1, 3, 4, 2

(B) 3, 1, 4, 2

(C) 1, 3, 4, 2

(D) 3, 1 ,2, 4

Ans. (D)

4. The capital-seat of Gangaikondacholapuram was founded by —

(A) Rajendra I

(B) Rajaraja the Great

(C) Kulottunga I

(D) Parantaka

Ans. (A)

5. Mira-Bai, the most popular female saint of medieval India, believed in the worship of —

(A) Ram

(B) Krishna

(C) Vishnu

(D) Shiva

Ans. (B)

6. In the battle of Takkolam —

(A) The Cholas defeated the Rashtrakutas

(B) The Rashtrakutas defeated the Cholas

(C) The combined forces of Cholas and Rashtrakutas defeated the Chalukyas

(D) The Chalukyas defeated the Rashtrakutas

Ans. (B)

7. Ramanuja was obliged to leave Srirangam owing to the hostility of —

(A) Rajaraja

(B) Rajendra Choladeva I

(C) Adhirajendra

(D) Kulottunga I

Ans. (D)

8. Who among the following scholar described the invasions of Mahmud Ghaznavi on India as Jihads (had wars)?

(A) Henry Elliot

(B) Jafar

(C) Alberuni

(D) Utbi

Ans. (C)

9. Match List-I (the types of land mentioned in early Medieval land grants) with List-II (the type of land) and select the correct

answer using the codes given below the lists —

List-I List-II

(a) Kshetra 1. Housing site

(b) Khila 2. Forest land

(c) Andakabhumi 3. Barren land

(d) Janglbhumi 4. Cultivable land

5. Marshy land


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 4 1 3 5

(B) 2 3 1 4

(C) 4 3 5 2

(D) 1 3 5 2

Ans. (C)

10. The Mitakshara commentary on the Yajnaval- kya Smriti, an important source of Hindu law, was written by —

(A) Apararka

(B) Kulluka

(C) Vijnaneswara

(D) Visvarupa

Ans. (C)

11. Ramanuja was born in the village near —

(A) Calcutta

(B) Madras

(C) Patna

(D) Lucknow

Ans. (B)

12.List-I contains the names of eleemosynary grants from early Medieval south India and List-Il contains the recipient of each.

Match the Lists and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists —

List-I List-II

(a) Devadana 1. Centre of learning

(b) Brahmadeya 2. Sangha

(c) Pallichanda 3. Priest

(d) Salabhogam 4. Temple

5. Brahamana


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 4 5 2 1

(B) 4 3 2 5

(C) 4 5 1 3

(D) 3 4 5 1

Ans. (A)

13.The Chola kingdom was divided into the following parts for administrative purpose —

1. Kottam

2. Mandalam

3. Nadu

4. Ur

The sequence, in descending order, of their sizes is —

(A) 1, 2, 4, 3

(B) 2, 3, 1, 4

(C) 1, 3, 2, 4

(D) 2, 4, 1, 3

Ans. (D)

14. Who first propagated the Advaita school of religious Philosophy?

(A) Mahavira

(B) Ramanuja

(C) Shankaracharya.

(D) Gautam

Ans. (C)

15. The Brihadeshvara temple was built by —

(A) Rajaraja

(B) Rajendra Chola

(C) Vira Rajendra

(D) Kullottunga

Ans. (A)

16.Who among the following was a mathematician of the Rajput age?

(A) Vagbhatta

(B) Vachaspati

(C) Haradatta

(D) Bhaskaracharya

Ans. (D)

17. Chaitanya preached —

(A) Chanting formulae of Gods love

(B) Song and dance

(C) Reverence of Guru

(D) Praise of God

Ans. (B)

18.Who among the following fixed his capital at Manyakheta?

(A) Indra III

(B) Govinda III

(C) Dantidurga

(D) Amoghavarsha

Ans. (C)

19. The most distinctive characteristic in Muslim architecture from that of Hindu and Buddhist architecture was —

(A) Round domes

(B) High minarets

(C) No concrete

(D) Combination of arch and dome

Ans. (D)

20. Kabir added to the Bhakti movement —

(A) Emphasis on Bhakti to Rama

(B) Tradition of family saints

(C) Neglect of Sanskrit language

(D) Unity among the Hindus and Muslims

Ans. (D)

21. The game of chess is mentioned or referred by —

(A) Bana

(B) Abul Fazal

(C) Amir Khusaro

(D) None of these

Ans. (B)

22. The Gurjara king and others are said to have worked as doorkeepers in the Hiryanagarbha sacrifice performed by —

(A) Dharmapala

(B) Dantidurga

(C) Devapala

(D) Amoghavarsha

Ans. (B)

23. ‘Malfuz’ is a class literature dealing with —

(A) Social life

(B) Economic life

(C) Political life

(D) King’s life

Ans. (D)

24. Who said, “The Hindus believed that there is no country like theirs, no nation like theirs, no king like theirs, no religion

like theirs, no science like theirs.”

(A) Alberuni

(B) Firdausi

(C) Farishta

(D) Utbi

Ans. (A)

25. Which of the following were centres of Chahamana rule?

1. Lata

2. Sakambhari

3. Naddula

4. Dhavagarta

(A) 1, 3 and 4

(B) 1, 2 and 4

(C) 1, 2 and 3

(D) 2, 3 and 4

Ans. (C)
