IAS Geography Model Test Paper
Geography Practice Paper
1. Which of the following are true regarding the crust of the earth?
I. It is the outer thin layer with a total thickness of about 100 km
ll. It forms around 0.5 percent of the earth’s volume
lll. The outer covering of the crust is of sedimentary material
IV. The lower layer of the crust consists of basaltic and ultra-basic rocks
(a) I and II
(b) I, II and III
(c) I, II and IV
(d) I, ll, Ill and IV
Answer. (c)
2. Match the following:
Date Conditions in Northern Hemisphere
A. March 21st 1. Winter Solstice
B. June 21st 2. Autumnal Equinox
C. September 21st 3. Summer Solstice
D. December 22nd 4. Vernal Equinox
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 1 3 4 1
(b) 2 3 1 4
(d) 4 3 2 1
Answer. (d)
3. What is the approximate equatorial circumference of the earth?
(a) 30,000 km
(b) 35,000 km
(c) 40,000 km
(d) 45,000 km
Answer. (c)
4. The place which has the longest day and the shortest night on 22nd December is:
(a) Chennai
(b) Madrid
(c) Melbourne
(d) Moscow
Answer. (c)
5. Owing to the equatorial bulge and the polar flattening, the polar radius of the earth falls
short of the equatorial radius by about:
(a) 22 km
(b) 36 km
(c) 41 km
(d) 53 km
Answer. (a)
6. The earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Aphelion) on:
(a) June 21st
(b) January 3rd
(c) July 4th
(d) September 23rd
Answer. (c)
7. Which part of the earth’s surface receives the highest amount of insulation?
(a) Tropical deserts
(b) Equatorial region
(c) Savanna region
(d) No such criteria
Answer. (a)
8. Which of the following layers of the earth is believed to have the heaviest mineral
materials of highest density?
(a) Central core
(b) Crust
(c) Mantle
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Answer. (a)
9. Tides in the sea have stored in them:
(a) Hydraulic energy
(b) Kinetic energy
(c) Gravitational potential energy
(d) A combination of all the above three forms of energy.
Answer. (d)
10. Which one of the following would have occurred if the earth had NOT been inclined
on its own axis?
(a) All the seasons would have been of same duration
(b) The seasons would not have changed
(c) The summers would have been of longer duration
(d) The winters would have been of longer duration
Answer. (b)
11. The upper part of the mantle upon which the crust of the Earth floats is called:
(a) Bar sphere
(b) Mesophere
(c) Mohorvicic discontinuity
(d) Asthenosphere
Answer. (d)
12. Which of the following phenomenon is/are the effect of the rotation of the Earth?
1. Apparent movement of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.
2. Flatness of the poles and bulge at the Equator.
3. Occurrence of sunrise, noon and sunset
4. Magnetic field of the earth.
(a) 1 and 3
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer. (d)
13. Which one of the following is present in the largest amount in terms of
percent by mass in the earth‘s crust?
(a) Silicon
(b) Oxygen
(c) Carbon
(d) Calcium
Answer. (b)
14. The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one moves from:
(a) West to east
(b) East and west of the prime meridian
(c) Poles to equator
(d) Equator to poles
Answer. (d)
15. Which of the following statements with regard to the term ‘great circle’ is not correct?
(a) Equator is a great circle
(b) A ship can save fuel and time by following the great circle arc between two points
(c) Only one great circle can be drawn on a sphere
(d) A great circle results when a plane passes through the centre of a sphere
Answer. (c)
16. The sun reaches its maximum angular distance from the equator at the:
(a) Zenith
(b) Solstice
(c) Equinox
(d) Noontime
Answer. (b)
17. The shortest day in Australia will be on:
(a) June 21
(b) December 22
(c) September 23
(d) March 21
Answer. (a)
18. Which of the following best describes longitude?
(a) An imaginary line joining north and south poles
(b) The distance between a place east or west of the Greenwich Meridian
(c) The angular distance east or west of the Greenwich meridian
(d) The position of a place on earth’s surface with reference to the Prime Meridian
Answer. (c)
19. Through which one of the following groups of countries does the Equator pass?
(a) Brazil, Zambia and Malaysia
(b) Colombia, Kenya and Indonesia
(c) Brazil, Sudan and Malaysia
(d) Venezuela, Ethiopia and Indonesia
Answer. (b)
20. When would you record the maximum angle of incidence of the sun’s rays at the north pole?
(a) March 21
(b) September 21
(c) When the sun’s rays fall vertically on the Tropic of Cancer
(d) When the sun`s rays fall vertically on the Tropic of Capricorn
Answer. (c)
21. At the summer solstice, which one of the following latitudes will have the longest night?
(a) 45° N
(b) 45° S
(c) 60° N
(d) 60° S
Answer. (d)
22. Which of these is the longest?
(a) 0° Meridian
(b) 180° E-W
(c) 90° E
(d) All are equal
Answer. (d)
23. The core of the Earth is made up of:
(a) Mainly of iron in the liquid form.
(a) Mainly of nickel in the liquid form.
(a) Both iron and silica in the liquid form
(a) Both iron and magnesium in the plastic state.
Answer. (d)
24. Latitudes include 181 lines while longitudes are 360 lines because:
(a) Longitude is divided from prime meridian while latitude is from equator
(b) Longitude is divided from equator while latitude is from prime meridian
(c) Longitude is a line that connects North Pole to South Pole and latitude is divided from east to west
(d) None of these
Answer. (a)
25. Maximum difference in the spacing of longitudes is:
(a) At poles
(b) At equator
(c) At tropics
(d) At arctic circle
Answer. (b)