History Paper IAS, UPS C Preliminary Test

History Paper IAS, UPS C Preliminary Test

Indian History Practice Paper

1. Which of the following statements regarding the Nath Panthi movement is/are correct?

1. It was essentially confined to Western India

2. It challenged the superiority of the Brahmanas.

3. It advocated Hindu-Muslim unity.

Select the answer from the codes given below —

(A) 1, 2

(B) 1, 3

(C) 2, 3

(D) 2 only

Ans. (C)

2. Ramanuja Acharya gave stress on —

(A) Bhakti

(B) Dharma

(C) Moksha

(D) None of these

Ans. (A)

3. Which one of the following kingdoms of South India was well known for its naval power?

A) Chalukya

(B) Hoyasala

(C) Chola

(D) Pandya

Ans. (C)

4. Which of the following was a common feature to all Bhakti Saints?

(A) They composed their verses in languages of the local people

(B) They rejected priestly classes

(C) They attacked caste system

(D) They encouraged participation of women

Ans. (C)

5. Who among the following has his deciples as Ashtchap?

(A) Namdev

(B) Mauluk Das

(C) Vallabhacharya

(D) Chaitanya

Ans. (C)

6. The Kalyana-mandapa was a notable feature of temple architecture in the kingdom of —

(A) Pahallavas

(B) Cholas

(C) Kadambas

(D) Vijaynagar

Ans. (B)

7. Which one of the following kingdoms was known for wealthy merchants professing Jainism and building Jaina temples?

(A) The Gurjara-Pratihara

(B) The Chalukya

(C) The Gahadavala

(D) The Kakatiya

Ans. (B)

8. Who among the following was the most radical of the Bhakti saints?

(A) Ramananda

(B) Tulsidas

(C) Kabir

(D) Namdev

Ans. (C)

9. Which of the following was/were stressed by the Bhakti saints of the 15th and 16th centuries?

1. Idea of Personal God

2. Purity of caste system

3. Futility of religious rites

4. Conception of Nirguna Brahma

(A) 1, 2

(B) 1, 3

(C) 3, 4

(D) 4 only

Ans. (C)

10. The manuscript of Dastan-e-Amir Hamza was illustrated by —

(A) Abdus-Samad of Shiraz

(B) Faruq Qalmaq

(C) Mir Sayyad Ali of Tabrez

(D) Miskin

Ans. (A)

11. The famous temple of Kailasha hewnout of the rock, is at?

(A) Elephanta

(B) Ellora

(C) Badami

(D) Mahabalipuram

Ans. (B)

12. To which one of the following sufi orders did Shaikh Bahuddin Zakaria of Mulltan belong?

(A) Chisti

(B) Suhrawardi

(C) Qadiri

(D) Naqshbandi

Ans. (B)

13. Which of the following are correctly matched?

List I List II

(Saints) (Mystic Order)

1. Shaikh Nasiruddin Chirag Suhrawardi


2. Shaikh Bahauddin Zakaria Chisti

3. Shaikh Sharfuddin Yahiya Firdausi


4. Shaikh Nuruddin Rishi

5. Shaikh Baqi Billah Naqshbandi

(A) 1, 2 and 3

(B) 2, 3 and 4

(C) 2, 3 and 5

(D) 3, 4 and 5

Ans. (D)

14. The unusually excessive proliferation of castes in the early medieval period was mostly due to —

(A) Increasing Varnasamkara

(B) Increasing greater absorption of tribes as castes

(C) Occupational groups turning into castes

(D) Religious sects being converted into castes

Ans. (A)

15. “Every pearl in the Royal Crown is but the crystalised drop of blood fallen from the tearful eyes of the poor peasant.”

The above remark about the poverty of the Indian peasant during the Delhi sultanate was made by —

(A) Ziauddin Barani

(B) Ibn Battuta

(C) Minhajuddin Siraj

(D) Amir Khusrau

Ans. (D)

16. Who among the following defined a sovereign or sovereignty as farr-i-izdi in contrast to the concept of Zil al Allah?

(A) Badauni

(B) Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi

(C) Abdul Fazal

(D) Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis

Ans. (C)

17. Evidence regarding Chola paintings has been found at —

(A) Uraiyur

(B) Puhar

(C) Thanjaur

(D) Kanchipuram

Ans. (C)

18. Gopis (Cowhered girls) became an important part of the Krishna legend in the art and literature in —

(A) The Sunga period

(B) The Kushana period

(C) The Gupta period

(D) The early Medieval period

Ans. (D)

19. The name of Ekanta Ramayya is associated with —

(A) Srivaishnavism

(B) Kalamukha sect

(C) Virsaivism

(D) Jainism

Ans. (A)

20. Amir Khusrau’s Khazain-ul-futuh gives an account of the military campaign of —

(A) Malik Kafur in South India

(B) Sultan Balban in the Mewat region

(C) Muhammad Tughlaq in Gujarat

(D) Feroze Tughlaq in Orissa

Ans. (A)

21. Abul Fazal refers in his writings to the —

(A) Methods of distillation

(B) Working of telescope

(C) Principal of Gravitation

(D) Technique of Metal Casting

Ans. (D)

22. Alberuni states that the antyajas, who were not reckoned amongst any of the four varnas, were composed of eight groups or guilds

of craftman or professionals. Which one of the following did not belong to any of the eight guilds?

(A) Shoemaker

(B) Weaver

(C) Fisherman

(D) Blacksmith

Ans. (D)

23. To which one of the following Sufi silsilahs did Shaikh Bahauddin Zakaria belong?

(A) Qadriya

(B) Naqshbandi

(C) Suhrawardi

(D) Chisti

Ans. (C)

24. Amir Khusrau composed his Nuhsiphir in praise of —

(A) Alauddin Khalji

(B) India

(C) Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti

(D) Prophet of Islam

Ans. (B)

25. Which one of the following Medieval Bhakti saints was patronized by Raja Lakshman Sen of Bengal as one of the ‘Five Gems’ of his court?

(A) Vallabhacharya

(B) Jaidev

(C) Chaitanya

(D) Narsi Mehta

Ans. (C)
