Geology MCQ Paper Practice Test
Model Test Paper Earth Science
1.54: Topaz belongs to:
a) lnosilicate
b) Nesosilicate
c) Sorosilicate
d) Cyclosilicate
Answer. (b)
Q.2: What is the characteristic property of beryl:
a) Colour.
b) Luster.
c) Hexagonal prismatic crystals
d) Uneven fracture
Answer. (c)
Q.3: Cordierite is also known as:
a) Iolite
b) Pigeonite
c) Diopside
d) Antigorite
Answer. (a)
Q.4: The characteristic electrical property of Tourmaline is its:
a) High conductivity
b) Piezoelectricity
c) Pyroelectricity
d) High resistivity
Answer. (b)
Q.5: Black Toumaline is known as:
a) Schore
b) lndicolite
c) Sapphire
d) Achroite
Answer. (a)
Q.6: Mark which is not pyroxenoid:
a) Wollastonite
b) Pectolite
c) Chrysolite
d) Rhodonite
Answer. (c)
Q.7: Eulite - ferrosilite is:
a) Ca - rich and Fe - poor ortho pyroxene
b) Fe - rich and Ca - poor ortho pyroxene
c) Fe - rich pyroxene
d) Ca - rich clino pyroxene
Answer. (b)
Q.8: Crystals of pyroxenes are short prismatic with the nearly quadratic cross section due
a) Cleavage pattern
b) Fracture pattern
c) Crystallization defect
d) None of the above
Answer. (a)
Q.9: Diallage mineral is:
a) Massive augite
b) Fibrous augite
c) Variety of Aegiriue
d) Massive hypersthene
Answer. (b)
Q.10: Foliated diopside is known as:
a) Diallage
b) Omphacite
c) Kunzite
d) Hiddenite
Answer. (b)
Q.11: Which is trichinic amphibole:
a) Anthophyllite
b) Tremolite
c) Riebeckite
d) Cossyrite
Answer. (d)
Q.12: Match the following:
1) Amosite i) Fibrous serpentine
2) Actinolite ii) Asbestos
3) Crocidolite iii) Fibrous antho phyllite
4) Chrysolite iv) Fibrous riebeckite
a) 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-iv, 4-i.
b) 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i, 4-iv.
c) 1-iv, 2-ii, 3-i, 4-iii.
d) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii, 4-iv.
Answer. (a)
Q.13: Chromium bearing mica is known as:
a) Sericite
b) Fuschsite
c) Damourite
d) Lepidomelane
Answer. (b)
Q.14: Percussion - figure found in mica when any pointed object is pressed against it the
figure is:
a) Four - rayed star
b) Six - rayed star
c) Eight - rayed star
d) Circular figure
Answer. (b)
Q.15: Mark the correct statement regarding chlorites:
a) These are flexible and elastic
b) These are flexible but not elastic
c) These are elastic but not flexible
d) These are brittle.
Answer. (b)
Q.16: Among the following clay minerals, which mineral expands much more in presence of
a) Kaolinite
b) Illite
c) Montmorillonite
d) Halloysite.
Answer. (c)
Q.17: Bole is:
a) Pure halloysite
b) lmpure halloysite
c) Red kaolonite
d) Elite.
Answer. (b)
Q.18: Fuller’s Earth is composed dominantly of:
a) Montmorillonite
b) Illite
c) Kaolinite
d) Pyrophyllite.
Answer. (a)
Q.19: In felspars the cleavage planes are parallel to:
a) (100) face and (010) face.
b) (001) face and (010) face.
c) (010) face and (010) face.
d) Cleavage is absent.
Answer. (b)
Q.20: Amazon stone is a:
a) Bright green microcline
b) Gem variety or albite
c) Pink albite
d) Twinned orthoclare.
Answer. (a)
Q.21: Quartz mineral belongs to:
a) Sorosilicates.
b) InosiIicates.
c) Cyclosilicates.
d) Tektosilicates.
Answer. (d)
Q.22: Which is not the non-Crystalline variety of silica:
a) Cristobalite
b) Lecha telierite
c) Opal
d) Chalcedony
Answer. (a)
Q.23: Diatomite is a variety of:
a) Agate
b) Opal
c) Flint
d) Chert
Answer. (b)
Q.24 :The Inversion temperature between crystobalite and tridymite is:
a) 1380°C
b) 1490°C
c) 1470°C
d) 1540°c
Answer. (c)
Q.25: "Alexandrite" is:
a) Magnesium Oxide
b) Beryllium aluminium Oxide
c) Mercury chloride
d) Titanium dioxide.
Answer. (b)