Geology (Descriptive Mineralogy) Paper

Geology (Descriptive Mineralogy) Paper
Geology Practice Test Paper
Q.1: Bladed habit is shown by:
a) Calcite
b) Kyanite
c) Felspass
d) Olivine
Answer. (b)

Q.2: Match the following:
              I                                        II
1. Carlsbad twin           i. Twin plane (010)
2. Baveno twin             ii. Twin plane (021)
3. Manebach twin       iii. Twin plane (001)
4. Swallo-tails               iv. Twin plane (100)

(a) 1-I, 2-ii, 3-iii, 4-iv
(b) 1-iii, 2-I, 3-ii, 4-iv
(c) 1-iv, 2-I, 3-iii, 4-ii 
(d) 1-I, 2-iii, 3-iv, 4-ii                                                                            
Answer. (a)

Q.3: Geniculate-twinning is found in:
(a) Rutile.
(b) Gypsum.
(c) Pyrite.
(d) Staurolite.
Answer. (a)

Q.4: Which of the followlng generally form homeomorphs?
a) Rutile and Zircon
b) Corundum and Baryte
c) Topaz and Sulphuoz
d) Gypsum and Angite
Answer. (a)

Q.5: Polymorphous elements like carbon are called:
a) Semi-Polytropic
b) Poly tropic
c) Allotropic
d) None of the above
Answer. (c)

Q.6: The form of a mineral is said to be reticulated when.
a) The crystals are slender and in lattice like group.
b) The crystals are hair like.
c) The crystals exist in tree-like form.
d) The crystals are fine needle like.
Answer. (a)

Q.7: The mineral which can be cut and powdered are known as:
a) Sectile
b) Ductile
c) Elastic
d) Reptile
Answer. (a)
Q.8: The degree of transparency of a mineral is known as:
a) Schillerization
b) Diaphaneity
c) Phosphorescence
d) None of these
Answer. (b)

Q.9: These minerals which after being exposed to ultra-violet light emit Iight are known as:
a) Fluorescent.
b) Phosphorescent
c) Irridescent
d) Opalescent
Answer. (a)

Q.10: How many cleavage sets are found in quartz mineral:
A) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Absent
Answer. (d)

Q.11: Dodecahedral type cleavage is shown by:
   a) Galena
b) Gypsnm
c) Sphalerite
d) Scheelite
Answer. (c)

Q.12: In which of the following minerals cleavage is absent:
a) Tale
b) Calcite
c) Topaz
d) Corundum
Answer. (d)

Q.13: What characteristic cleavage pattern is found in Diamond:
a) Prismatic
b) Cubic
c) Rhombohedral
d) Octahedral
Answer. (d)

Q.14: “Pyroelectricity” develops due to:
a) Compression
b) Temperature
c) Tension
d) All of the above
Answer. (b)

   Q.15: For determination of sp. gr. of large specimen which balance is generally used:
a) Jolly’s spring balance.
b) Walker’s steel yard balance.
c) Pycnometer
d) Chemical balance.
Answer. (b)

Q.16: Silicate structure in which two tetrahedral sharing one oxygen is called:
a) Neso-silicate
b) Soro-silicate
c) Phyllosilicater
d) Tekto-silicate
Answer. (b)

Q.17: ln double-chain structure the ratio of silicon to oxygen is:
a) 1 :  3
b) 4: 11
c) 4: 1O
d) 1:  2
Answer. (b)

   Q.18: Olivine mineral is crystallized in:
a) Monoclinic system
b) Triclinic system
c) Hexagonal system
d) Orthorhombic system
Answer. (d)

Q.19: Olivine commonly alters to which serpentine:
a) Antigorite
b) Chrysotile
c) Picrolite
d) Bastite
Answer. (a)

Q.20: In basaltic rocks, alteration of the outer Iron-rich rim of olivine produce brounish red
mineral called:
a) Nephrite
b) Schorlomite
c) lddingsite
d) Kaolinite
Answer. (c)

   Q.21: Which is Iron-aluminum garnet?
a) Grossularite
b) Pyrope
c) Spessartite
d) Almandite
Answer. (d)

Q.22: Manganese-aluminum garnet is known as:
a) Uvarovite
b) Andradite
c) Spessaritite
d) Pyrope
Answer. (c)

Q.23: Epidote crystallises in:
a) Orthorhombic system
b) Monoclinic system
c) Triclinic system
d) Cubic System
Answer. (b)

Q.24: Which rare element replaces the zirconium in zircon:
a) Thorium
b) Cerium
c) Hafnium
d) None
Answer. (c)

Q.25: The hardness of kyanite parallel to the length of the crystal and across it, is
a) 4 and 7
b) 4 and 6.
c) 6 and 8.
d) 4 and 5. 
Answer. (a)