Free Online Geology Practice Paper

Free Online Geology Practice Paper
Objective Geology Sample Paper
Q.1: Intergrowth between orthoclase/microcline and albite/oligoclase is known as:
a) Graphic
b) Myrmekitic
c) Zoning.
d) Perthite.
Answer. (d)

Q.2: Match the following:
                     I                                           II
1. Amethyst                                 i) Pale yellow
2. Citrin                                        ii) Black quartz
3. Morion                                    iii) Voilet
4. Cat’s eye                                 iv) Fibrous variety of quartz.

a) 1-iv, 2-ii, 3-iii, 4-i.
b) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii, 4-iv.
C) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii, 4-iv.
d) 1-ii, 2- iv, 3-i, 4-iii.
Answer. (b)

Q.3: Melting point of Quartz is about:
a) 870°C
b) 573°C
c) 1 728°C
d) 1470°C 
Answer. (c)

Q.4: Which polymorph of silica is found in deep interior of the Earth:
a) Citrin
b) Morain
c) Cairugorm.
d) Stishovite
Answer. (d)

Q.5: Leucite differs in composition from orthoclase in having a:
a) Lower ratio of silica to alumina
b) Higher ratio of silica to alumina.
c) Both silica and alumina are equal.
d) None of the above.
Answer. (a)

Q.6: Dark - coloured variety of Nepheline is known as:
a) Eleolite
b) Cancrinite
C) Hauyne
d) Lazurite
Answer. (a)

Q.7: Which mineral is extremely common in sheaf like aggregate form?
a) Natrolite
b) Stilbite
c) Analcite
d) Mesolite
Answer. (b)

   Q.8: What is diagnostic character of hematite:
a) Its red colour.
b) Its cherry-red strike
c) Its hardness
d) Its lusture
Answer. (b)

Q.9: Molybdenite is a/an...... of molybdenum:
a) Sulphate
b) Sulphide
c) Oxide
d) Carbonate
Answer. (d)

Q.10: Phacolite is a variety of: 
a) Chabazite
b) Stilbite
c) Analite
d) Laumontite
Answer. (a)

Q.11: Anglesite is:
a) Lead Sulphate
b) Lead Sulphide
c) Zinc Suplhate
d) Zinc Oxide
Answer. (a)
Q.12: Alexandrite is a greenish variety of:
a) Smithsonite
b) Zincite
c) Chrysoberye
d) Corundum
Answer. (c)

Q.13: Grphite crystallises in:
a) Tetragonal system
b) Hexagonal system
c) Cubic system
d) Orthorhombic system
Answer. (b)

Q.14: The colour of Galena is lead - grey and its strike is:
a) Black.
b) Greyish black
c) Greenish black
d) Bluish black
Answer. (b)

Q.15: The colour of pyrrhotite is bronze - yellow and its strike is:
a) Brown
b) Brown - yellow
c) Grey - black
d) Red.
Answer. (c)

Q.16: Which is known as Indigo Copper:
a) Cuprite
b) Bornite
c) Covellite
d) Azurite
Answer. (c)

   Q.17: Monazite is:
(a) Oxide of Cerium
(b) Sulphide of thorium
(c) Phosphide of Cerium
(d) Sulphide of Cerium
Answer. (c)

Q.18: The feldspatnoids  tend to form from melts which are:
(a) Rich in alkalis and poor in silica
(b) Poor in alkalis and rich in silica
(c) Poor in alkalis and poor in silica
d) Rich is alkalis and rich in silica
Answer. (a)
Q.19: Deutric alteration of olivine results in the formation of:
(a) lddingsite
(b) Bowlingite
(c) Anthophyllite
(d) Both (a) & (b)
Answer. (d)

Q.20: Pyrophanite differs from llmenite because of its:
(a) Light brown colour, very weak bireflectance and low reflectivity
(b) High bireflectance only
(c) High reflectivity and low bireflectance.
(d) None of these.
Answer. (a)

Q.21: Coesite is the:
(a) Variety of toumaline.
(b) High stressed variety of quartz
(c) Ore of iron.
(d) Ore of chromium.
Answer. (b)

Q.22: Minerals that are slightly repelled by a magnet are called:
(a) Paramagnetic
(b) Diamagnetic
(c) Ferromagnetic
(d) Ferrimagnetic
Answer. (b)

Q.23: The last residues of magmatic crystallization react with already crystallized material
to form new minerals, these minerals are called:
(a) Eutectic minerals
(b) Deuteric minerals
(c) Peritectic minerals
(d) None of these
Answer. (b)

Q.24: The common metamorphic garnets alter most frequently to:
(a) Quartz
(b) Muscovite
(c) Chlorite
(d) Cordierite
Answer. (c)

Q.25: Opaque minerals indicate their origin from a:
(a) Rapidly cooled silicate melt
(b) Slowly cooled silicate melt
(c) Slowly cooled calcareous melt.
(d) None of these.
Answer. (a)
