74,521 km²(28,773 sq mi)
The fifth decennial Population Census was preceded by a full-fledged Housing Census. The Census figures covered the Population, residing in Pakistan on 1st March 1998 excluding the Afghan Refugees living in Camps.
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Population as per Pakistan Census Report is 17743645 and per Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Census Report is 17735912, which is contradictory on the part of Population Census Organization. However all the statistics in this publication are based on the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Census Report 1998.
The Khyber PakhtunkhwaPopulation constitutes 13.40% of the population of Pakistan as per 1998 Census as compared to 13.13% in 1981 Census. The Population of this Province has increased at an average Annual Growth Rate of 2.82% as compared to National Growth Rate of 2.69%.
74,521 km²(28,773 sq mi)
The fifth decennial Population Census was preceded by a full-fledged Housing Census. The Census figures covered the Population, residing in Pakistan on 1st March 1998 excluding the Afghan Refugees living in Camps.
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Population as per Pakistan Census Report is 17743645 and per Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Census Report is 17735912, which is contradictory on the part of Population Census Organization. However all the statistics in this publication are based on the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Census Report 1998.
The Khyber PakhtunkhwaPopulation constitutes 13.40% of the population of Pakistan as per 1998 Census as compared to 13.13% in 1981 Census. The Population of this Province has increased at an average Annual Growth Rate of 2.82% as compared to National Growth Rate of 2.69%.