The main exam held in two sessions.
First Session:
Maximum: 150 Marks: Time: 3 hours.
Write short essays on the following: (3 x 5 =15).
1.Are efforts to revive Nalanda University as a heritage site under the chairmanship of Amartyasen a waste of time and money?
2. Can regional political parties act as a necessary corrective to excessive centralisation of power and authority?
3.Will it be correct to state that the failure of the ideals of ‘Kerala Renaissance’ has resulted in a resurgence of occult and black magic rites in Kerala?
Answer in 2 or 3 sentences: (10 x 2 =20)
4. Can the period before 1967 in India be regarded as ‘one party dominance’?
5. What was the role of governors in states ruled by non congress parties before 1972?
6. Why did electoral majorities fail to translate into administrative capability to rule in 1972 and 1977?
7. Was planning in India an instrument of politics?
8. Write about Muziris Heritage Project and Water Ways.
9. Did Raja Ravi Varma instill nationalism and pride in India’s heritage through his paintings?

"There comes Father" a painting by Raja Ravi Varma.
10. Why did Sree Narayana Guru install a mirror in a temple?
11. Write about Vaikkom Abdul Khader Moulavi as an editor.
12. Write about Ayyankali as a social reformer.
13. Did Vaikkom Satyagraha lead to greater social mobility?
Questions carrying 2 marks each to be answered in 2 or 3 sentences: (10 x 2=20)
14. What do you mean by Green Revolution in India?
15. What are the main objectives of Indian Planning?
16. Discuss the main poverty eradication programmes in India.
17. Discuss the features of emerging Indian economy in Global context.
18. Explain the growth of Foreign Direct investment in India.
19. What are the main features of World Trade Organization?
20. Distinguish between privatization and liberalization in India
21. Discuss the social development indicators in Kerala.
22. Explain the main reasons for the industrial backwardness in Kerala.
23. What are women empowerment programmes in Kerala?
Questions carrying 4 marks each to be answered in a paragraph or as a short essay: (5 x 4=20)
24. Explain the impact of economic reforms initiated in India since 1991 on poverty reduction in India.
25. Explain the role of gulf migration in Kerala economy.
26. Discuss the trade sector performance in India for the recent decades.
27. What do you mean by Kerala Model of Development?
28. Elaborate the inclusive growth strategy in India.
Each question carries 2 marks. To be answered in 2 or 3 sentences: (10 x 2=20)
29. What do you mean by basic structure of Indian Constitution?
30. From which constitutions the characteristics of the Indian Constitution are derived?
31. What is the significance of the 86th amendment of the Constitution?
32. What is meant by right to education in India?
33. Explain the significance of the District Collectors in the administration.
34. What is meant by quasi-federalism?
35. What are the methods of amending the Indian constitution?
36. Explain role of directive principles in the constitution.
37. What was the objective of right to education Act?
38. Write the gist of the declaration contained in the Preamble of our Constitution.
Each question carries 4 marks. To be answered in a paragraph or as a short answer. (5x4=20)
39. What are objectives of the Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act, 2008/
40. Explain the reason for and objectives of the Kerala Protection of River Bank and Regulation of Removal of Sand Act, 2008.
41. What is an ecological fragile area? What is its significance?
42. What is the significance of the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments in the process of decentralization?
43. What are the authorities constituted under the Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act?
Questions carrying 2 marks each to be answered in 2 or 3 sentences: (10 x 2=20)
44. Write down names of three computer programming languages.
45. What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
46. What is speed of light?
47. Who was responsible for developing the periodic table for elements?
48. What is the acronym ASCII stand for?
49. Linux kernel was developed by whom?
50. What is the responsibility of B-cells in the human body?
51. Which pesticide is said to have caused wide spread concerns in Kasargod area?
52. Name the first genetically modified animal (produced in the lab)
53. What is computer virus?
Questions carrying 5 marks each, to be answered in a paragraph. (3 x 5=15)
54. In year 2011, Japan witnessed earthquake in a higher Richter scale. What were the consequences of the quake?
55. What is Internet Protocol number or IP number, who controls it?
56. Write short note on living beings without cells.
Maximum: 50 Marks: Time: 1 hour.
PART I – Data Appreciation and Interpretation
1. Compute median from the following data 20,18,24,32,22,28,18,30,26,29,27. (2)
2. Calculate the arithmetic mean from the following: (2)
Marks: 10 20 30 40 50
No. of students: 2 3 10 4 1
3.The contents of two groups are as follows:
Group Size Mean S.D
I 30 2 3
II 20 4 4
Which group is more consistent?
4. For an asymmetrical distribution mean is 30 and median is 25 then mode is ------ (2)
5. Calculate the arithmetic mean, median from the following data:
Marks: 10 20 30 40 50
No.of students:5 20 50 63 70
Also find the percentage of students who got marks between 20 and 40. (6)
6. Following data are available in respect of sales and advertisement expenditure.
Sales (in Rs.) Advertisement expenditure (in Rs.)
Mean 80,000 20,000
S.D 12,000 8,000
Coefficient of correlation is 0.6
What is the advertisement expenditure to achieve the target sales of Rs.1,20,000? (6)
PART II – Problem Solving
7. In an examination, a student scores 4 marks for every correct answer and losses 1 mark for every wrong answer. If he attempts all 75 questions and secures 125 marks, the number of questions attempts correctly, is (2)
(a) 35
(b) 40
(c) 42
(d) 46
8. If 10 men or 18 boys can do a piece of work in 15 days, then 25 men and 15 boys together will do twice the work in:
(a) 4 ½ days
(b) 9 days
(c) 8 days
(d) 36 days
9. 15% of 40 greater than 25% of a number by 2, the number is (2)
(a) 16
(b) 20
(c) 24
(d) 32
10. Which of the following is the product of two positive integers whose difference is 2? (2)
(a) 0
(b) 2
(c) 8
(d) 6
11. A circle has a diameter equal to the side of a square. What is the ratio of circumference of the circle to the perimeter of the square? (2)
(a) π
(b) π/2
(c) π/4
(d) 2Ï€
12. You are introducing a new policy into the team or group. You are facing a bit of opposition. How would you handle it? (5)
13. There has been a visible decline in the performance of a subordinate. How would you handle it? (5)
PART III – Essay Writing
14. Write an essay not exceeding 500 words on any ONE of the following topics: (1x10=10)
(a) Explain the various objectives of five year planning in India. What are the main achievements of Indian planning?
(b) Kerala is socially developed state, but economically the performance of Kerala is not impressive. Discuss.