1. Who captained the Pakistan side which won the ICC world Twenty 20 Championship 2009?
Younis Khan

2. Who won the Kendra Sahitya Academy award in 2008 for the collection of essays ‘Madhuram Ninte Jeevitham’ in Malayalam?

3. Human Rights Day is celebrated on :
December 10

4. Who won India’s first ever individual Olympic gold medal?
Abhinav bindra

5. What is the name of the instrument used to measure relative humidity?
Hygro meter

6. The Oscar winning film “Slumdog Millionaire” was written by :
Simon Beaufoy

7. Who is the author who created the character “Sherlock Holmes”?
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

8. The first Non-congress Prime Minister of India was :
Morarji Desai

9. When there is a market dominated by a small number of sellers-what is this situation called?

10. “High Performance Delivered” is the tag line of which company?

11. Who was the first Indian Governor General of India?

12. What does a Numismatist collect?

13. Which chemical compound is commonly known as “Quicklime”?
Calcium Oxide

14. Who became the first Indian to present a Golden Globe Award?
Shahrukh Khan

15. The age of a tree can be determined by :
Counting the annual growth rings of its stem.

16. Which one of the following is essentially a solo dance?
(a) Kuchipudi (b)Kathak (c)Mohiniattam (d)Manipuri

17. Who is the author of the novel “Alchemist”?
Paulo Coelho

18. Which European country is known as the “Land of the Midnight Sun”?

19. Where did Budha die?

20. The video game console “Wii” is a product of ?

21. J.D.Power is a name associated with:
An automobile customer survey organization

22. What does ICANN stand for?
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number

23. “Lisbon Treaty” is the treaty accepted/adopted by the members of which of the following organizations recently?
(a)NATO (b) SAARC (c) NSC (d) European Union
Ans: European Union

24. Who is called the “Frontier Gandhi”?
Khan Abdul Ghaffer Khan

25. Which of the following is not a leap year?
(a)2152 (b)2000 (c)2100 (d)None of these.
Ans: 2100

26. Who was the first woman Chief Minister in India?
Sucheta Kripalani

27. Where is the Headquarters of Amnesty International located?

28. Who was the chief guest at the India’s 60th Republic Day celebrations on 26th January, 2009?
Nurusultan Nazarbeyev

29. What do the letters XP stand for in the product Microsoft XP?

30. Which country will host the 2010 FIFA World Cup?
Choose appropriate word or expression to complete the following sentences:

31. I promised to --------- her daughter next week when she is at work.
(a) Take off (b)look for (c)look after (d)take after
Ans: Look after

32. The union and management have been ------------- ever since management proposed issuing new contracts.
(a) At loggerheads (b)at cross-purposes(c)get in touch(d)fighting a losing battle
Ans: At loggerheads

33. The box of books ----------- yesterday
(a) were opened (b)was opened (c) had opened (d)had been opened
Ans: was opened

34. ----------- do you think will win the award?
(a)Who (b)Whom (c)Whoever (d)Whomever
Ans: Who

35. A car and a bike ----- my means of transportation.
(a) had (b)will (c)are (d) is
Ans: is

36. The drug will have pernicious effect on your health.
(a) quick (b)sturdy (c)beneficial (d) prolonged
Ans: beneficial

37. Some people questioned the veracity of her story.
(a) morality (b)propriety (c) truthfulness (d)falsity
Ans: falsity

Select one word that is closest in meaning to the bold word in the sentence:
38. Business had been liquidating inventories at the rate of five billion dollars a year:
Ans: converting into cash

39. Directory Clouzot producers at the movie’s climax, just about the most gruesome scene ever shown on film.
Ans: horrifying

40. There is a significant statistical difference in the incidence of rheumatic fever in people with different blood types:
Ans: range of occurrence

41. Find the missing number 567,668,769………

42. In the series 4,12,36,….. What will be the 5th term?

43. Four boys are sitting on a bench to be photographed. Ram is to the left of Ravi. Reghu is to the right of Ravi. Rajan is between Ravi and Reghu. Who would be second from the left in the photograph ?

44. ‘A’ can do a piece of work in 20 days. ‘B’ can do the same work in 30 days. If A and B do the work jointly, in how many days can they complete the work?
12 days

45. The mean of 80 numbers is 82.4. Later three numbers 16, 20, 11 were excluded from the list. What is the mean of the remaining numbers?

46. A barrel containing Kerosene is 80% full. If the barrel contains 120 litre of Kerosene, after draining out 25% of the quantity, find the capacity of the barrel?
200 litre

47. If ABCDE is represented as PQRST if PQRST is represented as VWXYZ, then what is the representation for ASTER?

48. Find the missing term.

49. Each student in a class of 40, studies at least one of the subjects Geography, Physics and Biology. 16 study Geography, 22 Physics and 26 Biology, 5 study Geography and Physics, 14 Biology and Physics and 2 Geography, Physics and Biology. Find the number of students who study Geography, Physics but not Biology?

50. In a railway compartment 8 seats are vacant. In how many ways can 3 passengers sit on them?

51. A byte is made up of:
Eight binary digits

52. Radix in a hexadecimal system is:

53. Computer memory consist of:
(a)ROM (b)RAM (c)DRAM (d)All of the above
Ans: All of the above

54. A high speed memory used for temporary storage:
(a)Bus (b)RAM (c)Register (d)All of the above

55. One Kilobyte represents:
1024 bytes

56. Maximum locations that can be addressed with 8 bits is:

57. Which display standard has highest resolution?
(a)VGA (b) EGA (c) SVGA (d) CGA

58. EPROM is a:
Random access memory

59. CACHE is a part of :
Memory Unit

60. A compiler is a :
Program which translates high level language to machine language.

61. Which one is portable?
(a)Machine Language
(b)Assembly Language
(c) High Level Language
(d) None of the above
Ans: High level language

62. Example for an Operating system is :
(a)FORTRAN (b)COBOL (c)BASIC (d)Linux

63. Microsoft Excel is a :
Spreadsheet Package

64. Which one is an open source operating system?
(a)FORTRAN (b) UNIX (c) Windows (d) Linux

65. Laser printer technology is based on :
Creating static electrical image of the document.

66. Data is read from a CD using a :
Laser beam

67. The software that is used to generate an executable file from object files is known as :

68. Which of the following is used for data transmission through telephone lines?
(a)Router (b)Gateway (c)MODEM (d)Bridge

69. Which of the following software is used for Desk Top Publishing?
(a)Auto Cad (b) Page Maker (c) Notepad (d)FoxPro
Ans: Page Maker

70. A micro processor has a unique:
Machine Language

71. The errors that can be pointed out by a compiler are :
Syntax errors

72. Which of the following is correct?
(a) A ROM is a random access memory
(b) Address space of a micro processor is determined by its data bus.
(c) Flash memory is volatile
(d) All of the above.
Ans: A ROM is a random access memory

73. In a “C’ program which function is executed first?
Main( )

74. The third layer in the ISO/OSI network architecture is the:
Network Layer

75. In simplex mode, data transmission is :

76. In a computer network resource sharing is controlled by :

77. Which one of the following is a data input function in ‘C’ language?
(c) malloc()
(d)None of the above
Ans: Scanf()

78. The name of an array in C language implies:
Address of the first element.

79. Indicate the false statement:
(a)Flow chart is a graphical representation of an algorithm.
(b)SRAM is faster than DRAM
(c)Interpreter is faster than compiler
(d) C is a case sensitive language
Ans: Interpreter is faster than compiler

80. Minimum number of arguments to be passed to a function:

81. The size of a character variable is :
1 byte

82. Primary objective of a real time computer system is :
Fast response

83. In the OSI -7 layer model a router device works at the :
Network Layer

84. An operating system that supports multi-user environment:
(a)Linux (b)Unix (c)Windows NT (d)All of the above
Ans: All of the above

85. A device that connects two LANs.

86. A node on a computer network can be a:
(a)Server (b)Printer (c)workstation (d)Any of the above
Ans: Any of the above

87. In an office network which resources are shared?
(a) Data (b) Hardware (c)Software (d)All of the above.
Ans: All of the above

88. A topology in which all nodes are connected in a single cable is known as :

89. Computer programs those copies itself repeatedly in memory or on a network is known as :

90. Internet transmission usually use:

91. Decimal equivalent to hexa decimal number 10 is :

92. Virtual memory techniques make use of a part of the :
Secondary memory

93. A term used to compare processing speed of different computers is :

94. Range of signed numbers that can be stored in an 8 bit register is :
-128 to 127

95. HTTP stand for :
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

96. MODEM is a :
A device for modulation and demodulation

97. Which of the following is an object oriented language?
(a)FORTRAN (b) COBOL (c) PASCAL (c)C++
Ans: C++

98. Which of the following is not a web browser?
(a)Internet Explorer
Ans: google

99. What is the key board shortcut for pasting an object?
Ctrl + v

100. Error in a computer program are called: